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Borrowed Deutsch

Borrowed Words

What is a borrowed word?

A borrowed word is a word that has been adopted from another language.

Borrowed words are often used to fill a gap in the vocabulary of the borrowing language. For example, the English word "kimono" is borrowed from the Japanese word for a traditional Japanese robe. The English word "sushi" is also borrowed from Japanese, and it refers to a type of Japanese dish made with rice and fish or seafood.

Borrowed words can also be used to add flavor or nuance to a language. For example, the English word "schadenfreude" is borrowed from the German word for a feeling of pleasure derived from the misfortune of others. The English word "chutzpah" is borrowed from the Yiddish word for audacity or impudence.

Borrowed words are a fascinating part of language. They can tell us about the history of a language and the interactions between different cultures. They can also add richness and variety to our vocabulary.
